Global Idol of Predation (A 666 Partial Component Reinforcement)

The Consumption, Commercial and Governmental/Finance/Banking Partnership Ecology of Predatory Production

Q: Is It an Illusion or Real?

A: Both.

That remains to be seen how it devolves, but the evidence is that it is a multi-layered belief system first, in something material which is perishable, thus temporary based on human ideas.

What this article will attempt to illustrate is:

1. This “faith” and belief system is an experiment with continually negative consequences to those not in it’s conduit of materialisms consumed, billions of people, the biome, and the earth itself are not benefiting from the design overall.

2. This system is driven by a core greed disorder in large enough percentages from the top perpetuators, to the basic man, to be completely globally systemic and self-perpetuating; unstoppable by any man, group, government or government coalition known on earth.

Contrived Faith and Belief in materialism and Human Philosophies

What are the core objects of “faith” to believe in?

The Global Idols

1. Money

2. Government

3. Society: The Cultural Reinforcement.

Money and Government “Symbiotic” Partnership

Money as a form of paper and digital codes, would never have achieved it’s global appeal without a partnership with the king, the government. This is how paper dollars, and checking account entries, credit etc, have be divested from any real wealth from the “creditors”, the “money” printers, and replaced by “good faith” in the government, who ironically are also debtors. The illusion of “money” is then based on symbols and statements, which are based upon itself and government “bonds”.

The Target Victim

Me, you and everyone else and everything else under this illusion layer are the ONLY ones actually putting wealth as collateral and resources into the system, to support that top layer who acquired it by illusion, loans, seizure and taxes.

Do we see how it is a belief and “good faith” system?

The Cultural Viral Replication of this Belief

Once money and government are set as public idols, and icons, the cultural system by power of press, media, academia and philosophers quickly and firmly establishes that illusion in everyone born into the system from cradle, to the grave.


An Engineered “Phenomena”

Q: Is it possible that the creators of this illusion did not see that fact?

A: Impossible. This is a designed system with incentives placed in the mass mind, for the ultimate incentive of the creators of the system; wealth, prestige and power at a globally progressive level.

Addictive Incentives

1. Wealth: Free wealth from the contrived symbology;

2. More Wealth: Real wealth to be extracted from everyone else who must put work, lives, and hard assets at stake into the system;

3. Control: The power to build a protection system “legally” by government power, and by power of violence monopoly through the military system. This system and legislative structure is also a handy way to empower people by more illusion and pretext to go out and extract more and more wealth from weaker systems globally, under philosophies of self-righteous justification empowered by religions, philosophers, and nationalisms;

4. Social Engineering: Now it is possible to also create all the social institutions to continue reinforcing the illusions, and to guide them into directives leading to more consumption, more desire, and less individual control.


The Cultural/Societal Sub-Systems

This obviously also creates a whole plethora of new divisions created to empower the masses for an objective related to wealth and power, and also to divide the masses to create also a sub-system culture of many many socially accepted predation cycles.

This creates a parasitic and viral condition upon the base host, planet earth.

The Predatory Systems:

1. International Predatory Systems and Design

2. Cultural Predatory Sub-Systems

3. Earth Devouring Parasitic Predation.

And all of this is empowered by a belief system shared in different ways from the top, to the bottom of the social system nationally, locally, and globally.

Chamaeleon Engine and Cancer: The ingenious beauty of this system, is that it is

1. Self Fueling

Once something turns profitable it is fueled by resources continuing it’s growth from the masses, to the top global leaders.

2. Self Concealing

By virtue of the age of this system, it’s pyramidal and hierarchical structure, it’s global broadcast and it’s complicated technological, philosophical, governmental and cultural dynamics, the base system, at the top, is covered by many layers of obscurity and complexity, making it very hard to ascertain the real existence of it’s locus of power.

3. Self-Replicating and Expanding

Due to the success of the Western Industrial-Finance and Military Complex, everything else in the world has replicated the core DNA of this system, even within another system indirectly developing from the basic principles of it’s operation. Direct influence (like a virus) though is what perpetuated the overall adherence to the consumption, control and greed dynamic of the whole.

4. Inertial

The power in this illusion, is that it is protected by speculative uncertainty, in that once it starts it can appear successful for durations of time, and that pattern of instability rarely occurs twice in someone’s lifetime, so it appears as if there is no problems with the theory, when in fact it is an experiment which can indeed fail on ever grander scales, including global scale.

Downward Overall Trajectory: This Design is Self-Destructive, and Perpetually Destructive to earth’s Life Support Systems

What is not so obvious, though backed by much evidence, is that this system operation just one century has been a net loss for earth’s overall life support system resources. It consumes, pollutes, kills, devours, and endlessly keeps up this activity in spite of it’s age and intelligence. It is not self-sustaining, it is unsustainable and must eventually break down.

World Idolatries

What should be obvious is that this particular belief system, is not a spiritual truth. God and this world system of idols are not compatible, although they continually appeal to God’s name to establish their own credibility, and these are the main stream religions which are really just state designed and indoctrinated plug-ins to keep the mass mind under the spell of the overall illusion, these religious leaders believe in this belief system themselves, nit in the exact opposite system of spiritual power, God’s Kingdom.

This is why the world system competes with God for the hearts and minds of men, and attaches “God” to it’s means of empowering the masses, for an end having nothing to do with God’s Kingdom, or actuality. If they did, they would be pointing out the obvious idolatries in the system described above as Jehovah’s witnesses have pointedly shown for 100 years in this final ministry.

This system builds human individual, group, national, and international predators, the chief attribute of a Wild beast, and no doubt why God describes these system as Wildbeast systems in the bible and Revelation 13, and obviously they actually are very in-depth and deceptive predatory systems which replicate their beliefs, practices and idolatries from the top, to the bottom, globally.

This is why soon, God’s Kingdom must settle these issues once and for all time, Dan2:44.

Conclusion – A 666 Partial Component Reinforcement: Predatory Personality

The word in Revelation, “mark” of the Wildbeast means an “engraving”. What a super-predatory societal system than implies is culturing the main characteristics of a human predator, a group or pack of predators, etc. Predation is an attribute of a Wildbeast, and the symbol was used by God in the bible to be very recognizable in the human systems which it depicts.

The point is as a Christian, a person cannot allow themselves to have the base self-control directives transferred into subservience to Wildbeast like societal and governmental systems based in perpetual predatory reinforcement. This is why Jesus stated his true followers are not part of the world, conversely his counterfeit followers would be part of the world, and that part is condoning predatory slaughter and theft for the enrichment of the national gain, and it’s top leaders and mythologists. Clearly one does not have to be a prophet to see that all industrialized nations have fallen prey to themselves, and perform self-justified slaughters under various pretext, to preserve their financial dominance, and their social fueling needs.

This is how we know the symbols of the Wildbeast, and it’s number in Revelation 13, are plainly obvious to those paying attention to the descriptions of a world system, which is shown being guided to it’s own self-destruction, and a final war for this planet with God Almighty (Rev 16:13-16; Joel 3:9), NOT a good place to find oneself with a 666 engraved in the personality, a “mark” on either forehead (thinking), or hand (working for/ worship).

Predatory personality is of course not the only way a person can be marked 666, the number for termination at Armageddon, but it is definitely a systemic global condition characterizing the last days, since it is the main driving force for many to achieve”success”, power, and profit, all empty, but appearing very real in the world phase to some. But it is a deadly trap.

Predatory systems teach the base lack of mercy, self-righteousness, and other predatory personality traits and techniques of operation in diametric opposition to what Jesus teaches, and that’s why worldly influence will have consequences one way or another in a human’s eternal future as one resisting these traits or one accepting them will dictate God’s final judgment of every man present upon his global conquest of these terminal systems, in one day, when that full arrival becomes obvious.

This attempts to show the basic predatory character of what a wildbeast is, relates to the wildbeasts of Revelation who inculcate predatory attitudes in their followers. The old live by the sword die by sword denial. But it is true, when Jesus Christ is the sword, the will HAVE TO beat their swords into plowshares and learn predatory war no more.

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